Technology No-Till

At tsomu rozdili mi I will try to briefly describe to you all the technologies of N-Till.




The main principle of the No-Till system is the polarity of the victoristic natural processes, which are taken into the ground. According to the tradition of the plow cutting of the chillers of the technological process, it is not only the irresistible, but also the dirty one. Neorane field is 1-2 meters wide and penetrated by the milyards of captains, who chose to remember the roots of the single Roslin abo as a result of living life of different organisms. For the dimming of thin, alaglibokim moves, the ground is the nichiu of the vologue, and the charging of von is frozen and the channels are rooted. So you understand the nature of the rozpushuvannya and naschenenya ґruntu kisnim.

In traditional processing technology, the soil is prepared to svbi mechanical processing oranco. The earth should be laid in order for the door to be laid down on the bed with a single ground that will be attached to the mainstream spring. In the first place, in the first place, the oranka will help you to re-load the lattices in the ground, and the field should be cleared from the bur'yanivs. However, krіm znachnyh vitrata hour, roboti і resources, mechanics of soil to lead to eros, and degraded soil. The system of zero processing soil primed on vidmі vіd oranki. Vlasne translation from English і means "Do not oratis." The purpose of this is vse inspiring naduyu on economics. Admittedly, this is a positive factor.

Technology “zero” processing to the soil of the transfer to the ground from the rearrangement of the earth, settled on the stern, zastosovannuyu pokrivnyh cultures і literately perfected to the ground. For all the work of the Vicon, Siva SvM svm 3.6

Particularly important is the role of the No-Till victoristocate in the earth-harvesting, which comes to crop rotations, and they co-own with different cultures, decrease the number of problems associated with schoolchildren, and reduce the amount of the material.

Fundamentals of domestic technology of the earth-moving industry No-Till tse:

    Eco Resource - paliva, labor, hour, reduced depreciation of Vitrata;
    replacement of work process;
    vіdnovlennya і saving a friendly ball ґ н ту з з ни а а а abo za podnі zapropіgannya ryozі gruntіv;
    Accumulation of the vologues in the ground, especially in the minds of the steppe and in the middle of the day, I grow in the weather of the minds;
    harvest time of crops for the development of the most significant factors.

Such rozineni krains, as Canada, using the technology of No-Till, lays down 50% of the land.

Especially Varto is promising for the development of zero technology in the steppes of Ukraine, so called areas of "ridiculous farming." Savings in the soil in the soil є main zavdannyam in the same climate zones. Technology No-Till in the complex with the Siva SZM 3.6 No-TillL technology to allow you to save the yank in the ground, vitrimati and glibina zagrananiya usіnnya i otrimati descend.

Tsikave video about No-Till technology